Armidale Secondary College

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Stage 4 & 5

(Stage 4: yrs 7 & 8 / Stage 5: yrs 9 & 10)

The following activities are general in nature and are intended to be additional activities. For specific content related to your child’s class, can you please refer to the relevant Google Classroom.

The Literacy Shed

How to use this resource:

  • Choose a shed that interests you and view the animations/films.
  • Use the stimulus ideas provided to craft a piece of writing

Year 7 might like to look at the ‘Myths and Legends’ shed; Year 8 the ‘Fantasy’ shed.


Black out Poetry – “Steal Like an Artist!”

How to:

  • Look at examples from the websites provided or by googling ‘Black out poetry’
  • Use the pages of an old book you don’t mind repurposing – you could make it a work in progress and use many pages in the same book for different blackout poems
  • Magazines and newspapers work equally as well
  • Follow the steps outlined in the Scholastic website, the ‘How to teach blackout poetry’ website and ‘The Easy Guide to Blackout Poetry’ website to create your blackout poem
  • Decide on a platform to share your creation.


Dear Poet – an initiative from

Use this lesson plan to engage with a range of poets and their poetry, develop your understanding of poetic techniques and write a letter to a poet. 


TedED Series: Playing with Language

Contains links to a variety of TedED videos and lesson ideas with ways to engage.


Wide Reading

NSW DoE suggested texts by stage

Select a novel from the school library or town library. Use the list provided on the DoE website to guide your choice.

Ideas for working with a novel:

  • Choose a main character and construct a character profile
  • Select a significant passage and re-write it from a different character’s perspective or in a different tense – what is the impact of these changes?
  • Choose a significant passage and construct a story board
  • Write the opening passage to a sequel of the book you selected
  • Write a book review 



NSW DoE suggested texts by stage

and Clickview

Select and view a film from the DoE list provided (films and documentaries can be accessed by students on Click View). 

Ideas for working with a film:

  • Grid analysis – complete a grid with the following headings: Similarities (what does the film remind you of?), Surprises (what happens that you were not expecting?), Puzzles (what questions remain unanswered) and Patterns (what recurring motifs did you see?)
  • Choose a character and write their backstory
  • Write a review of the film, or write a newspaper article about an incident from the film


NAPLAN past test papers

Complete past papers (answers available at the link provided)