Answer: The video below will demonstrate how students log onto their Department of Education student email. Please contact your teacher, or the school, if you do not know your Google Classroom codes.
Answer: Most teachers have access to reset your password if you forget. Please ask your teachers, log an IT request for support, or call the school at telephone 6776 7400 and we will help you out.
Answer: Press the sign in link up the top right of the website. Proceed to click Sign in with Google.
Sign on with your Department student email. To join the class, type the code and password from your teacher. (they will post this on the google classroom or class TEAM)
Note: the zoom code will only work during the live session. Once the session has finished, the code and password will rest for next time.
It is early days as we are beginning learning from home this week - August 9th, 2021. We will update this answer as we progress more and get updates on the situation.
Generally, no to enable us to manage a complex and challenging variation of routine. We have only approved a couple of requests based on very particular circumstances such as accessing learning support.
Answer: Students will follow they same timetable whether they are present at school or learning remotely. They may not have their normal class teacher when they attend school or log onto Google Classrooms, but will all complete the same unit of work.
The timetables have been modified to allow sufficent rest times between classes and consider at home working.
Answer: Whether students are present at school or learning remotely from home they will all follow the same unit of work. All students should bring a device to school if they have one or have borrowed one, as all work will be done on a device. There will be some school devices available, but please keep in mind we have also loaned devices to students. Students may not have their normal class teacher when they attend school or log onto Google Classrooms.
Answer: Students will be spread out and only approximately 10 students will be placed in any room at the same time. We will have a teacher in each room, but the students will be working on-line. All students should bring a device to school if they have one or have borrowed one, as all work will be done on a device. School devices will be available, but keep in mind we have also loaned some out to students. Students may not have their normal class teacher when they attend school or log onto Google Classrooms as we have had to reorganise staffing so that teachers and students are as safe as possible.
Students will not be permitted to play sport that involves any contact. There will be time for outdoor activities but the activities will be organised to maximise distancing and adhere to the government guidelines whenever students are in the playground.
Additional measures are being implemented at school in many areas, including hand sanitisers in each classroom and additional cleaning being undertaken, with special attention to cleaning of desks, doorknobs, bathrooms and other surfaces.
Students will be reminded to keep their distance when lining up for class and moving through the corridors at the beginning and end of lessons and to wash their hands regularly.
Please see the Department of Education's advice
Answer: Yes, the students who are present at school will be working on-line and completing the same Google Classroom work and assignments as those at home. It is VERY important that they have a device to use. Please ensure they have a fully charged device if you have one at home or you have borrowed a school one. We do have a limited supply still at school, but we have loaned many to our students, so please bring one if you can.