All senior classes and many junior classes have a Google classroom where they can have more direct contact with their teacher as well as access up-to-date lessons and work.
Virtual museums
A selection of virtual museums to visit
ABC Education Resources
Other actitivies:
- Write a story/draw a cartoon about a historical personality or event
- Draw a vegetation profile in your garden
- Try and identify the variety of plants in your garden
- Count the variety of birds you see in your garden
- Watch the finance reports on the news and write a financial report
- Watch the news in your target language (SBS)
- Watch the weather – graph the rainfall data
- If you have a sand pit – create a variety of topographies – photograph them
- Read a book
- Play a strategy game (chess, monopoly)
- Watch a documentary about a topic you are interested in. Write a summary of interesting points
Subject Specific Content
Please refer to the subject specific areas with HSIE for specific course content.
For specific content related to your child’s class, can you please refer to the relevant Google Classroom.