Armidale Secondary College

Our Future. Our Learning.

Telephone02 6776 7400


P&C Committee

Jodie Sauer – President

Suellen Simpson – Vice President

Fiona Clayton - Vice President

Jocelyn Reynolds – Treasurer

Johanna Hadler – Secretary


How to join the P&C

To become a member you need to pay $1 which will make you a member from the end of the next meeting until the next Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Meeting Attendance 

You don't need to become a member to attend a meeting, you just can't vote or speak to a motion (unless invited).

ASC's Parents & Citizens meetings occur on the 4th Thursday of every month and are held in the Staff Common Room on Level 2 at Armidale Secondary College.

P&C Meetings 2024

ASC's Parents & Citizens meetings occur on the 4th Thursday of every month and are held in the Staff Common Room on Level 2 at Armidale Secondary College.

Membership is open to all parents and carers of students attending ASC and to all citizens within the school community.